Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm Back! Apple Pie that will make your mouth water

Hi people, after a long hiatus I have returned.
Tomorrow I will post a series of pictures of what the heck I have been doing since my last post.

I decided to get back in the swing of things with a pie.... the most classic, and the almost best.... the Apple Pie. I'm calling this the 'Kennedy Pie', it's that classic.

For the Crust:
It's your average pie crust, except I can't follow directions and use shortening, I believe in butter.
2 1/4 cups flour
3/4 tsp salt
2/3 cup butter
8-10 TB cold water

When I roll out the dough, I sprinkle sugar instead of flour and use a paper towel to roll it out (prevents stickiness and prevents toughness of dough that flour brings). Then I sprinkle vanilla on and rub it onto the dough. It makes it special. I promise.

For the Insides- oh the insides!!

I used a bag of apples that I got at the store for $1.50.. they were variety- reddish.
I don't skin my apples. I think it's inhumane.

6 cups of thinly sliced apples
3/4 cups of sugar (I suggest 1/2 cup white, 1/4 cup brown)
1 TB Lemon Juice
2 TB flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg

If you want detailed directions- email me- the rest is photo only...
After putting all the pie together, I brushed on some 1/2 and 1/2, then sprinkled sugar over the top. I cut out a heart in the middle... it's symbolic.

Then I wrapped my symbolic alien baby in some foil. My alien baby pie is afraid of signals being transmitted...Not really. The foil prevents excess browning on the crust (don't tell anyone, it's not like everyone knows that).

Now the alien is in the oven, for 1 hour on 375ยบ. check back tomorrow for mas details.

*** Edit***
the alien baby has emerged, to show the world its' true beauty!


sarahjaye said...

this looks awesome! You are funny on your food principles (skinning apples=inhumane).
I must know... what do you mean you use a paper towel when rolling out the dough? Between the counter and dough? Or between dough and rolling pin? My biggest hatred about homemade crusts is rolling the dough!

cass said...

I do it between the dough and the rolling pin, I put a little sugar and a teeeny bit of flour under the dough on the counter.

The rolling pin doesn't get stuck to the paper towel that way! Some people use a thin cloth- like a napkin or something.